

As I was lying on my bed in the middle of the night after way too much wine, a thought crossed my tired mind. Is there any romance left in this world? You know…that old-fashioned kind of love you can see in black and white movies. I feel like we are trapped in a century where feelings are taken as a weakness and a instead of a stable relationship, everyone desires after good sex without feelings.    It was one hour after midnight when a message popped up on my phone. Yes, it was from a guy and yes, we made plans for the next day. I knew what I wanted, so I decided to ignore my inner voice trying to talk me out of it. I told to myself: "What can go wrong?". The thing is, that this guy is my crush since I can remember. We do not get to see each other very often but when we do, I always feel something. Until now, we couldn't really have something because he had a girlfriend...until now. It was nothing serious but you know...he's always been my forbidden fruit. And the
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